No matter how you ended up on our site, we are glad you are here. Take some time to get to know us, and we hope to get to know you soon.

If you want to make a difference in the lives of others then we invite you to
Cornerstone Christian Center.


What is the style of your worship services?

Relevant, modern music, video, art and a message allowing you to authentically
experience God.

What should I wear?

We prioritize meeting you over focusing on attire. We embrace diversity in attire. Our focus is on connecting with you and sharing in worship together.

What if I still have questions?

Call the church office at 708.756.3358 or email us at

How do I get there?

We are located at 2919 Chicago Road, South Chicago Heights, IL 60411, just two blocks north of Sauk Trail.

View a map to our location.

You’re Welcome Here

Complete our guest form below

People have come into Cornerstone Christian Center from every walk of life and grown in their relationship with God, and found meaningful friendships while discovering their God-given purpose and design.

We call this the power of a transformed life!

Christian Center offers incredible ministries for children, youth, men, women, couples and singles, but it doesn’t stop with what happens on
our campus.

We welcome you to partner with us as we touch the people of the Chicagoland area and the nations of the earth.